
How many t-shirts are in a Gildan case

7th May 2018

Gildan is one of the worlds top manufactures in the blank t-shirt industry that mainly focuses on the screen printing market. They manufacture 1 million dozens per week making them the #1 printed shirt used by branding companies all around the world. 

Gildan packs their t-shirts case quantities of 72 for SM-2XL, 36 for 3XL and 12 for 4XL-5XL. 

For sizes SM-2XL the average weight for the boxes is 30lbs with the dimensions of 21x16x13. 

Inside the cases they are packed in pre-folded dozens for easy counting. 

Gildan packs their G18500 Hoodie case quantities of 24 for SM-3XL, 12 for 4XL-5XL. 

Gildan packs their G18000 Crew neck and G18200 sweatpants case quantities of 36. 

To shop our t-shirts use this link T-Shirts